Glass Effect and Tilt & Shine Animation

In this tutorial, you will learn three CSS tricks: Glass Effect, Tilt Animation, and Shine Animation. The video will show you how to apply a glass effect, then add tilt & shine animation on hover. Watch the video below for a detailed tutorial.


    <div class="glass">
        <p>Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ullam a ipsum tempore temporibus possimus quidem id suscipit officia similique eius. Architecto reprehenderit harum illum itaque soluta a vitae, recusandae voluptates!</p>


body {
    background-image: url('bg.jpg');
    background-size: cover;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center;
    height: 100vh;

.glass {
    width: 200px;
    padding: 1rem;
    color: rgb(20, 64, 90);
    text-align: center;
    background: rgba(255,255,255, 0.2);
    backdrop-filter: blur(5px);
    border: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255, 0.2);
    border-radius: 10px;
    box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0, 0.1);
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
    cursor: pointer;
    overflow: hidden;

.glass:before {
    content: '';
    position: absolute;
    top: -40%;
    height: 340px;
    width: 20px;
    background: rgba(255,255,255, 0.3);
    filter: blur(1px);
    box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(255,255,255, 0.1);
    transform: rotate(25deg) translateX(-200px);

.glass:hover {
    animation: tilt linear 5s infinite;

.glass:hover:before {
    animation: shine linear 5s infinite;

@keyframes  tilt {
    0% {
        transform: translate(-50%, -50%) skewY(5deg);
    50% {
        transform: translate(-50%, -50%) skewY(-5deg);
    100% {
        transform: translate(-50%, -50%) skewY(5deg);

@keyframes  shine {
    0% {
        transform: rotate(25deg) translate(180px, 70px);
    50% {
        transform: rotate(25deg) translate(-180px);
    100% {
        transform: rotate(25deg) translate(180px, 70px);