3D Text

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a 3D text with animation using CSS. Multiple div elements are used to serve as the 3D layers. Watch the video below for a detailed tutorial.


    <div class="container">
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>
        <div class="layer"></div>


@import  url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Titan+One&display=swap');

* *, *:before, *:after {
  animation-play-state: running !important;

body {
  background: #2e3537;

.container {
  height: 300px;
  width: 500px;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  margin: auto;
  perspective: 9999px;
  transform-style: preserve-3d;

.layer {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  position: absolute;
  transform-style: preserve-3d;
  transform: rotateY(40deg) rotateX(33deg) translateZ(0);
  animation: animate 5s ease-in-out infinite alternate forwards;

@keyframes  animate {
  100% {
    transform: rotateY(-40deg) rotateX(-43deg);

.layer:after {
  content: 'Winterwind';
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  position: absolute;
  font: 80px "Titan One", sans-serif;
  color: white;
  text-align: center;
  text-shadow: 4px 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);

.layer:nth-child(1):after {
  transform: translateZ(0px);

.layer:nth-child(2):after {
  transform: translateZ(-1.5px);

.layer:nth-child(3):after {
  transform: translateZ(-3px);

.layer:nth-child(4):after {
  transform: translateZ(-4.5px);

.layer:nth-child(5):after {
  transform: translateZ(-6px);

.layer:nth-child(6):after {
  transform: translateZ(-7.5px);

.layer:nth-child(7):after {
  transform: translateZ(-9px);

.layer:nth-child(8):after {
  transform: translateZ(-10.5px);

.layer:nth-child(9):after {
  transform: translateZ(-12px);

.layer:nth-child(10):after {
  transform: translateZ(-13.5px);

.layer:nth-child(11):after {
  transform: translateZ(-15px);

.layer:nth-child(12):after {
  transform: translateZ(-16.5px);

.layer:nth-child(13):after {
  transform: translateZ(-18px);

.layer:nth-child(14):after {
  transform: translateZ(-19.5px);

.layer:nth-child(15):after {
  transform: translateZ(-21px);

.layer:nth-child(16):after {
  transform: translateZ(-22.5px);

.layer:nth-child(17):after {
  transform: translateZ(-24px);

.layer:nth-child(18):after {
  transform: translateZ(-25.5px);

.layer:nth-child(19):after {
  transform: translateZ(-27px);

.layer:nth-child(20):after {
  transform: translateZ(-28.5px);

.layer:nth-child(n+10):after {
  -webkit-text-stroke: 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);

.layer:nth-child(n+11):after {
  -webkit-text-stroke: 15px #26b6e2;
  text-shadow: 6px 0 6px #185e73, 5px 5px 5px #114453, 0 6px 6px #0b2d37;

.layer:nth-child(n+12):after {
  -webkit-text-stroke: 15px #26b6e2;

.layer:last-child:after {
  -webkit-text-stroke: 17px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);

.layer:first-child:after {
  color: white;
  text-shadow: none;